Role & Gap Analysis Exercise

  1. Find a job description that is interesting even if you don’t plan to apply.
  1. Go over essential functions and qualifications and assess the job description against your skills and qualifications. Be honest.
  • Do I have any perceived gaps in skills sets? If yes, what are those skills? What am I currently doing to gain those skills?
  • Do I have any perceived gaps in years of experience? How many years? How can I fulfill that?
  • Do I have any perceived gaps in level of experience?
  1. If interested in a position, research the following:
  • Mission
  • Organizational structure and hiring priorities (based on current job openings)
  • Key stakeholders/decision makers (for this specific role, not the entire organization)
  • Bios of decision makers
  • Roles structure/advancement
  1. Role analysis:
  • Reporting structure
  • Top 7-10 responsibilities
  • Anticipated challenges in the job
  • How can I help them solve it?
  • Who is my competition?
  1. Making a case:
  • Do I fulfill at least 80% requirements for this position?
  • What unique value proposition do I have in addition to my qualifications? Be specific here. Specialties, sector knowledge, etc.
  • What do I have that my competition doesn’t?
  • How will I address any perceived gaps or deficits in skills and experience? Scenario planning.


Document from Yulia Vershinina, courtesy of Amanda Peters @acpeters  |  10.2016